G-Mart Comics is asking our large customer base for help finding people with relevant expertise and experience who would be interested in working with their favorite online comic shop to make its services even better. Strong candidates with relevant qualifications and experience for the positions outlined below should email their resumes highlighting successful projects with details to support@g-mart.com.

POSITION WANTED: SEO, digital marketing, and ideally social media marketing
BACKGROUND: we feel we have a good story as the "best online comic book store" (and trying to get better!), including strong offerings for discount subscription service, FOC ordering, new releases, ratio variants, back issues, and trade paperbacks / graphic novels; however we need to upgrade our marketing to attract more people to our products and services.
GOAL: attract more/better traffic to increase sales of key products (new releases, ratio variants, TPs), and to a lesser degree increase our customer base for the discount subscription service.
REQUIREMENTS: Open to consulting, part time, monthly service contract, revenue sharing arrangements, or other alternatives.

POSITION WANTED: eBay sales expert
BACKGROUND: we have not found a good way to use eBay; we have found it to be extremely labor intensive even at small scale and almost impossible to operate profitably.
GOAL: learn how to operate an eBay store efficiently and profitably at large scale
REQUIREMENTS: Open to consulting to share expertise, or part time / revenue sharing to execute a sales strategy.

POSITION WANTED: Amazon sales expert
BACKGROUND: Amazon fees and product restrictions seem to make it essentially impossible to sell comic books on Amazon; if there is a way to do it we do not understand how.
GOAL: learn how to sell comic books profitably on Amazon.
REQUIREMENTS: Open to consulting to share expertise, or part time / revenue sharing to execute a sales strategy.

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