(May 2025) ALTER EGO #194 (W) Roy Thomas (A) Herb Trimpe (CA) Tony Gray
Rascally Roy Thomas celebrates 60 years in comics at Marvel, DC, et al.! There's a career-spanning, surprise-filled interview by Alex Grand, still more early-2000s Spider-Man comic strip e-mails to Roy from Stan Lee, the full secret history of the creation of Wolverine, RT's 1960s fan-letters to Julius Schwartz, and his top dozen stories compiled by John Cimino! With amazing art by Buscema, Kane, Adams, Windsor-Smith, Colan, Ordway, Buckler, and many others! All this, plus FCA and Mr. Monster's Comic Crypt, behind a Roy the Boy and Wolverine cover by Tony Gray!, 0325TM609