(May 2025) STRANGER THINGS D&D RISE OF HELLFIRE #4 CVR A WOHL (W) Jody Houser, Eric Campbell (A) Diego Galindo (CA) Myles Wohl
Eddie Munson ushers in a new age for Hawkins High Hellfire club with an exciting conclusion to Mike, Dustin, and Will's early game nights with his Dungeons & Dragons club. Meanwhile, Eddie revels in the memories of his own first campaign with Hellfire and what he did to earn his stripes and become the Dungeon Master.
32pgs, FC SRP: $3.99, MAR250861
(May 2025) STRANGER THINGS TALES FROM HAWKINS 2 #1 CVR A GALINDO (W) Derek Fridolfs (A) Sunando C (CA) Diego Galindo
The first of four new weird tales from Hawkins, IndianaXA small town that keeps getting stranger. After shaking off a mysterious encounter with a strange "dog" while out at the Drive-In Cinema, Hawkins science teacher Scott Clarke is inspired to teach his students all about how 3D glasses work and it spirals into theories about alternate dimensions and how they might be perceived. Dustin keeps secret that the weird "dog" could be nothing other than Dart, his missing pet demodog.
7x10, 32pgs, FC SRP: $4.99, MAR250865