[Ultimate Spider-Man Hardcover, Vol. 1]

Ultimate Spider-Man Hardcover, Vol. 1

"With great power there must also come great responsibility."

In 1962, these prophetic words launched one of the most successful and recognizable characters of the 20th century - Spider-Man! The powers granted to bookish Peter Parker by a radioactive spider have fueled the imagination of fans worldwide for nearly 40 years. With the dawning of a new age, however, comes a hero for the new millenium... Ultimate Spider-Man!

High school, puberty, first dances; there are many pitfalls to being young. Compound these with intense personal tragedy and super powers, and you can start to visualize the world of Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man.

Following the murder of his uncle, the assault on his high school, and the confusing signals from the beautiful Mary Jane Watson, Peter finds himself on the brink of manhood: getting a job as a webmaster at the Daily Bugle newspaper to help support his widowed aunt, and taking on extracurricular activities... such as bringing down the head of organized crime - the Kingpin!

Updating Spider-Man for the 21st century was no easy task, and it took the brilliant minds of Bill Jemas and Brian Michael Bendis to do just that. With the artistic talents of Mark Bagley and Art Thibert breathing new life into the legendary mythos, Spider-Man is back at the forefront of cutting edge storytelling... where he belongs!


Publisher:Marvel Comics
Title:Ultimate Spider-Man
Issue:Hardcover, Vol. 1
Cover Price:$34.95
Cover Date:2002 March
Release Date:(Unknown)
Subscription:Miles Morales: Spider-Man (monthly)
$2.80 $3.99

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Miles Morales: Spider-Man

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