[Sonic the Hedgehog No. 136]

Sonic the Hedgehog No. 136

by Various
"The Infiltrator" (by Romy Chacon, Ron Lim, & Jim Amash): Sonic looks forward to a well-needed rest after a strenuous, nerve-racking adventure, but gets anything but rest! As he sleeps, his life is in grave danger, and his father, Jules Hedgehog, does what any father would - at a heavy price!
Also: Knuckles stars in "Patience" (by Romy Chacon, Ron Lim, & Nelson Ribeiro): Knuckles decides to disobey the King and take matters into his own hands by freeing Angel Island on his own. Will his lack of patience be his own downfall?
Plus: "Girl Talk" (by Ken Penders, Steven Butler, & Jim Amash): The latest in a series of tales depicting "Mobius: 25 Years Later" finds Queen Sally and Julie-Su trying to figure out a way for their husbands and kids to get along during an upcoming visit. Easier said than done!


Publisher:Archie Comics
Title:Sonic the Hedgehog
Issue:No. 136
Cover Price:$2.19
Cover Date:2004 July
Release Date:
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