[Planetary Brigade #2]

Planetary Brigade #2

by Keith Giffen & J.M. DeMatteis, Joe Abraham, Mark Badger, & Eduardo Barretto
The Bwa-ha-hilarity continues! Featuring Giffen and DeMatteis doing a full-blown Justice League-styled superteam their way, with characters entirely of their own creation! The Brigade comes together to stop a globe-threatening villain, only to break into smaller sub-divided teams on sub-missions fighting smaller threats. Piecing together a larger puzzle, in this issue everything begins to come together and make sense, as the Planetary Brigade begins to answer this question: why won't Harry Cutter die? Bonus: a pin-up by the legendary Silver Age great, Sal Buscema! Cover by Matt Haley.


Publisher:Boom! Studios
Title:Planetary Brigade
Cover Price:$2.99
Cover Date:2006 February
Release Date:

Planetary Brigade Comic Book Back Issues

Planetary Brigade

Boom! Studios Back Issues

Boom! Studios

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