[War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, variant Connecting Realm cover - Giuseppe Camuncoli)]

War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, variant Connecting Realm cover - Giuseppe Camuncoli)

(W) Jason Aaron (A) Russell Dauterman
Pray to All-Mother Freyja! For in her hands lies the key to ending Malekith's war. The Black Bifrost - the only method of travel for Malekith's vast armies - must fall. Even with the Punisher, Ghost Rider, Blade and Hulk (Jen Walters) at Freyja's side, how many Dark Elves can one goddess kill? While Freyja's team heads for the swamps of Svartalfheim, Captain America's rescue mission in Jotunheim faces the wrath of giants, Captain Marvel leads a global assault team against Malekith's allies and the Black Panther defends Avengers Mountain against a siege of mythic proportion. None of them know that Malekith has a secret weapon. And its bite will prove most...VENOMOUS. Rated T+


Publisher:Marvel Comics
Title:War of the Realms
Issue:No. 4 (1st printing, variant Connecting Realm cover - Giuseppe Camuncoli)
Cover Price:$4.99
Cover Date:2019 July
Release Date:
Notes:Includes a redemption code for a digital download of the issue.

Variant Covers

[War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, standard cover - Arthur Adams)]

War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, standard cover - Arthur Adams)

[War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, variant Battle Lines cover - Maxx Lim)]

War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, variant Battle Lines cover - Maxx Lim)

[War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, variant cover - Greg Hildebrandt)]

War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, variant cover - Greg Hildebrandt)

[War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, variant cover - Victor Hugo)]

War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, variant cover - Victor Hugo)

[War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, variant International Connecting cover - Billy Tan)]

War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, variant International Connecting cover - Billy Tan)

[War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, variant Young Guns cover - Aaron Kuder)]

War of the Realms No. 4 (1st printing, variant Young Guns cover - Aaron Kuder)


War of the Realms Comic Book Back Issues

War of the Realms

Marvel Comics Back Issues

Marvel Comics

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