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[Rocketeer - The Great Race #2 (Cover A - Gabriel Rodriguez)]

Rocketeer - The Great Race #2 (Cover A - Gabriel Rodriguez)

(W/A) Stephen Mooney (CA) Gabriel Rodriguez
Cliff Secord has finally decided to abandon the Rocketeer persona for good and concentrate on making his gal, Betty, proud of him by taking an honest-to-goodness legit gig-piloting an experimental rocket plane in a death-defying race halfway around the world! Cliff must navigate both the route and the myriad ace pilots assembled against him in order to secure one of the most valuable prizes ever offered. If only the competition were as prepared as Cliff to play it straight... Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines!
36pgs, FC (2 of 4) SRP: $4.99

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Publisher:IDW Publishing
Issue:- The Great Race #2 (Cover A - Gabriel Rodriguez)
Cover Price:$4.99
Cover Date:2022 May
Release Date:

Variant Covers

[Rocketeer - The Great Race #2 (Cover B - Stephen Mooney)]

Rocketeer - The Great Race #2 (Cover B - Stephen Mooney)

[Rocketeer - The Great Race #2 (Retailer Incentive Cover - Gabriel Rodriguez full art)]

Rocketeer - The Great Race #2 (Retailer Incentive Cover - Gabriel Rodriguez full art)


Rocketeer Comic Book Back Issues


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