[2000 AD Prog 2300]

2000 AD Prog 2300 1/4

Arthur Wyatt, Dan Abnett, Ian Edginton, Rob Williams, Emma Beeby, Karl Stock, Kenneth Niemand & Mike Carroll
D'Israeli, Gary Erskine, Henry Flint, Neil Googe, Staz Johnson, Toby Willsmer, Kieran McKeown & Russell M. Olson
Chris Blythe, Gary Caldwell, Matt Soffe & Yel Zamor
Annie Parkhouse, Jim Campbell & Simon Bowland
Cover Artist
Cliff Robinson
Cover Colourer
Dylan Teague

Episodes include:
Judge Dredd » Judgement Days (part 1)

Mega-City One, 2114 AD. Home to over 400 million citizens, this urban hell is situated along the east coast of post-apocalyptic North America. Crime is rampant, and only the Judges — empowered to dispense instant justice — can stop total anarchy. Toughest of them all is JUDGE DREDD — he is the Law! Now, Sabbat the Necromagus has raised the dead around the globe in a bid to wipe out all life...
Rogue Trooper » Mortal Remains (part 1)

Nu Earth, one planet in a galaxywide war between the Southers and the Norts. Bitterly fought over because of its proximity to a black hole, chemical weapons used by both sides have poisoned the air. Created by the Southers to turn the tide of the conflict, Genetic Infantrymen are clones capable of breathing on the surface unaided. One such G.I. is ROGUE TROOPER, who went AWOL after the deaths of his comrades...
Survival Geeks » House of the Dead (part 1)

Travelling between the dimensions is a regular semi-detached house, in which live unabashed nerds Clive, Rufus and Simon, who’ve been exploring the outer reaches of reality thanks to a misfiring transdimensional drive hooked to the toaster. They’ve been joined by resident sceptic Sam and their pet Cthulhu Howard as they pinball from one world to the next in search of adventure..
The Mean Arena » Sudden Death (part 1)

The near future. The sport that has taken the world by storm is street football, a violent mix of rugby, soccer and basketball played in deserted towns all around the country. Within the specially evacuated zones, teams of armoured players clash in the streets, watched over by an audience tuning in to the footage beamed to them via CCTV cameras. Now, in the wake of the dead rising, it’s become THE MEAT ARENA...
Sinister Dexter » Zed Zone (part 1)

The vast city of Downlode, sprawled across future Europe. Here life is cheap, and if want someone whacked you call upon a gun-shark — and partners Finnigan SINISTER and Ramone DEXTER happen to be the best hitmen money can buy. Primo killers with chalk outlines around their souls, you pay and they’ll slay. Now, as the zombies have removed much of their work, Ray and Finny have turned to another career..
Ampney Crucis Investigates » Setting Sons (part 1)

In the 1930s, Ampney Crucis was a seasoned investigator of the supernatural, his experiences on the battlefields of World War One having left him sensitive to the entities that exist on the fringes of reality. Together with his loyal manservant Cromwell, he was called to explore many strange occurrences. Now, in the 1970s, he’s turned to writing, crafting many novels of the arcane...
Robo-Hunter » Z-INF (part 1)

Brit-Cit, the twenty-second century. If you have a rogue droid or missing mek, then you call on Sam Slade, a private detective known as a robo-hunter, who specialises in dealing with robots of all kinds. Joined by his idiotic droid understudy Hoagy and his excitable robo-cigar Stogie, Sam is never far from trouble, and often his assistants are the cause of it. But now it’s them that are fleeing Slade...
Strontium Dog » In the (Dead) Doghouse (part 1)

The late twenty-second century, and following the Great Atom War, those mutated by the Strontium 90 fallout have been forced to live in ghettos, marginalised from ‘norm’ society. The only job open to them is bounty hunting, working for the Galactic Crime Commission to hunt down dangerous criminals — and such Search/Destroy agent, or STRONTIUM DOG, is Johnny Alpha, whose eyes allow him to see through walls...



Title:2000 AD
Issue:Prog 2300
Cover Price:None
Cover Date:2022 September 21
Release Date:
DIAMOND:JUL221851 (1/4)
Subscription:2000 AD (weekly)
$20.00 $24.99

Variant Covers

[2000 AD Prog 2293]

2000 AD Prog 2293

[2000 AD Prog 2294]

2000 AD Prog 2294

[2000 AD Prog 2295]

2000 AD Prog 2295

[2000 AD Prog 2296]

2000 AD Prog 2296

[2000 AD Prog 2297]

2000 AD Prog 2297

[2000 AD Prog 2298]

2000 AD Prog 2298

[2000 AD Prog 2299]

2000 AD Prog 2299

[2000 AD Prog 2301]

2000 AD Prog 2301

[2000 AD Prog 2302]

2000 AD Prog 2302

[2000 AD Prog 2303]

2000 AD Prog 2303

[2000 AD Prog 2304]

2000 AD Prog 2304

[2000 AD Prog 2305]

2000 AD Prog 2305


2000 AD Comic Book Subscription

2000 AD (weekly)
 20% off
$20.00 $24.99

2000 AD Comic Book Back Issues

2000 AD

Rebellion Back Issues


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