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[X-Men (series 2) No. 1C (Wolverine / Cyclops) Facsimile Edition]

X-Men (series 2) No. 1C (Wolverine / Cyclops) Facsimile Edition

(W) Chris Claremont, Jim Lee (A/CA) Jim Lee
Another chance to buy the best-selling comic book of all time -- one that ushered in a new era of X-Men greatness! In 1991, history was made when superstar creators Chris Claremont and Jim Lee launched a second ongoing title for Marvel's premier mutant super-group -- and the inaugural issue featured an all-star lineup, separated into Cyclops' Blue team and Storm's Gold team, for an action-packed showdown against their archenemy, Magneto, and his fanatical Acolytes! Featuring fan-favorite characters looking better than ever in bold new costumes that helped define a decade, it's no wonder the "adjectiveless" X-MEN #1 sold an incredible eight million copies! It's one of the all-time great Marvel comic books, boldly re-presented in its original deluxe-edition form, packed with pinups and an iconic wraparound cover! Reprinting X-MEN (1991) #1.
Rated T
48pgs SRP: $7.99

RED $24.00 Add to Cart

Publisher:Marvel Comics
Issue:(series 2) No. 1C (Wolverine / Cyclops) Facsimile Edition
Cover Price:$7.99
Cover Date:1991 October
Release Date:

Variant Covers

[X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover A - Joshua Cassara)]

X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover A - Joshua Cassara)

[X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover B - Stefano Caselli Marvel Icon)]

X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover B - Stefano Caselli Marvel Icon)

[X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover C - Ario Anindito)]

X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover C - Ario Anindito)

[X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover E - Giuseppe Camuncoli Trading Card)]

X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover E - Giuseppe Camuncoli Trading Card)

[X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover F - Mark Brooks Corner Box)]

X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover F - Mark Brooks Corner Box)

[X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover G - Gerald Parel Spider-Verse)]

X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover G - Gerald Parel Spider-Verse)

[X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover H - Derrick Chew)]

X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover H - Derrick Chew)

[X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover L - Nick Bradshaw Incentive)]

X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover L - Nick Bradshaw Incentive)

[X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover M - Derick Chew Full Art Incentive)]

X-Men (series 6) No. 22 (Cover M - Derick Chew Full Art Incentive)


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