(item is a Pre-Order for April 2025) Or Browse ![[SAVING 80K GOLD IN ANOTHER WORLD GN VOL 10]](gFEB252134.jpg)
Saving 80k Gold In Another World GN Vol 10
(W) FUNA (A) Keisuke Motoe
After growing up an orphan, Mitsuha has a healthy respect for money and a desire to live wellXat least, until she dies after being pushed off a cliff. Waking up in a strange fantasy world, Mitsuha narrowly survives an encounter with a pack of wolves, then realizes she has the power to move between this world and the real one. A lesser person might embark on heroic adventuresXMitsuha instead immediately recognizes the lucrative possibilities of her new situation, and heads out to buy an arsenal of modern weapons. Her goal: to acquire 80,000 gold, and the life of leisure she's always dreamed of!
SC, 176pgs, B&W SRP: $12.99,
FEB252134 $8.45 $12.99Or Browse
Publisher: | Kodansha Comics
Title/Issue: | Saving 80k Gold In Another World GN Vol 10 |
Retail Price: | $12.99 |
Release Date: | 2025 April 23 (estimated) |
DIAMOND: | FEB252134 |